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[2025-3] Optimal insurance, consumption and investment decisions: a duality approach

Diogo Pinheiro

Alberto Pinto

[2025-2] On counting numerical semigroups by maximum primitive and Wilf's conjecture
[2025-1] Well posedness and asymptotics of a fractional generalisation of a SIS compartment model

Davide Cusseddu

[2024-64] Bifurcations and canards in the FitzHugh-Nagumo system: a tutorial in fast-slow dynamics

Bruno Gonçalves

Alexandre Rodrigues

[2024-63] On profinite groups with the Magnus Property

Pavel Zalesskii

[2024-62] On the doubly generalized conjugacy problem
[2024-61] Separation of solutions of Caputo fractional differential equations
[2024-60] Dudeney e os seus "puzzles"

Rosário Pinto

[2024-59] Some Connections Between The Arithmetic and The Geometry of Lipschitz Integers

Luís Roçadas

[2024-58] On Sum Graphs Over Some Magmas
[2024-57] On the representation of block languages

Luca Prigioniero

[2024-56] Constructing new geometries: a generalized approach to halving for hypertopes

Philippe Tranchida

[2024-55] Semi-infinite particle systems with exclusion interaction and heterogeneous jump rates

Mikhail Menshikov

Andrew Wade

[2024-54] On transience of M/G/∞ queues
[2024-53] Regular polytopes of rank n/2 for transitive groups of degree n.

ME Fernandes

[2024-52] A step to compute the determinant of finite semigroups not in ECom
[2024-51] The determinant of semigroups of the pseudovariety ECOM
[2024-50] The conformal limit and projective structures

Pedro Silva

[2024-49] Shift operators and their classification
[2024-48] Metric mean dimension, Holder regularity and Assouad spectrum

Alexandre Baraviera

Gustavo Pessil

[2024-47] On supratopologies, normalized families and Frankl conjecture
[2024-46] Free-abelian by free groups: homomorphisms and algorithmic explorations

Jordi Delgado

[2024-45] An analogue of a formula of Popov

Pedro Ribeiro

[2024-44] A classification of nilpotent compatible Lie algebras

Bernardo Cunha

Manuel Ladra

[2024-43] Fourier-Mukai transforms and normalization of nodal curves

Emilio Franco

Robert Hanson

Johannes Horn

[2024-42] Estimates for the number of zeros of shifted combinations of completed Dirichlet series

Pedro Ribeiro

[2024-41] Multivariate extreme values for dynamical systems
[2023-44] The degrees of the orientation-preserving automorphism groups of toroidal maps and hypermaps

ME Fernandes

[2023-43] Geometry on Surfaces and Higgs bundles
[2023-42] On the intersection of fixed subgroups of Fn × Fm
[2023-41] On the dynamics of endomorphisms of the direct product of two free groups
[2023-40] Essentially Quasi-Duo Rings

Mohamed Yousif

Yiqiang Zhou

[2023-39] Kunz languages for numerical semigroups are context sensitive

Jaume Cubertorer

[2023-38] A verification of Wilf's conjecture up to genus 100

Shalom Eliahou

Jean Fromentin

[2023-37] Transitions of bifurcation diagrams of a forced heteroclinic cycle
[2023-36] On finite groups with the Magnus Property

Martino Garonzi

[2023-35] On the number of zeros of L-functions attached to cusp forms of half-integral weight

Pedro Ribeiro

[2023-34] Stable coalition formation through bargaining for the preservation of public goods

Elvio Accinelli

Atefeh Afsar

José Martins

Bruno Oliveira

Jorge Oviedo

Alberto Pinto

Luis Quintas

[2023-33] Abundance of infinite switching
[2023-32] Decomposition of rectangles in dominos

Rui Duarte

[2023-31] Generating functions of lattice paths

Rui Duarte

[2023-30] Representations of Smith algebras which are free over the Cartan subalgebra

Vyacheslav Futorny

Eduardo Mendonça

[2023-29] Skew derivations of incidence algebras

Érica Fornaroli

[2023-28] Identities and derived lengths of finitary incidence algebras and their group of units

Salvatore Siciliano

[2023-27] Transposed Poisson structures on the Lie algebra of upper triangular matrices

Ivan Kaygorodov

[2023-26] Transposed Poisson structures on generalized Witt algebras and Block Lie algebras

Ivan Kaygorodov

[2023-25] The determinant of semigroups of the pseudovariety ECOM
[2023-24] Noncommutative Algebra and Representation Theory: Symmetry, Structure $\&$ Invariants
[2023-23] Global planar dynamics with a star node and contracting nonlinearity
[2023-22] Stability of cycles and survival in a Jungle Game with four species