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Future and Ongoing Conferences

University of Azores (Ponta Delgada, Portugal) |

10.00 Alexander Guterman (Bar-Ilan University, Israel)
    On the length of Jordan…

Pocinho (Centro de Alto Rendimento de Remo) |


The main speakers of this session will be:


Past Conferences

Room FC1 0.30 |

This is the fourth of an itinerant series of meetings in geometry (in a broad sense), aiming at…

University of Coimbra, Portugal |

Representation theory has a rich and colourful history.

Universidade NOVA de Lisbo |

The main speakers are

Mercedes Rosas (Universidad de Sevilla):

FCUP (Room FC1.031) |

Workshop in Dynamics and Symmetry in honour of Isabel Labouriau.

Zoom link:…

FCUP, Maths Department. FC1.031, FC1.006 |

Day: 13th of November, 14h30

Speaker: Alexander Lohse (Hamburg University)


Departamento de Matemática, Universidade da Beira Interior |

The main speakers of this session are:

Sándor Bozóki (Institute for Computer Science and…

Room FC1.031, Mathematics Department, FCUP, |

This is an informal meeting between three visiting researchers of the Technical University of…

Université de Toulouse III |

Organisers: Francois Berteloot (Univ. Toulouse), Julio Rebelo (Univ. Toulouse), Helena Reis (…

Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave (Barcelos, Portugal) |

The Non Associative Day in…

Arrábida |

Despite some groundbreaking advances on the exponential mixing rate of the SRB measure for…

Universidade de Aveiro, Departamento de Matemática |

To participate send an email to Rui Duarte…

Univ. Coimbra |

This conference is dedicated to honor Alberto Elduque on the occasion of his 60th birthday.

Sala Pedro Nunes, Departamento de Matemática da Universidade de Coimbra (formato híbrido) |

Irá decorrer no dia 21 de Janeiro de 2022, com início às 14h30m, na Sala Pedro Nunes do…

zoom conference |

This is the 11th edition of the Combinatorics Days, to be held online, Zoom platform, on the…

FCUP, Maths Department. FC1.0327 |

This meeting aims to gather all of the CMUP members, including new members, who will informally…

FCUP, Maths Department. FC1.027 |

This meeting aims to gather all CMUP's members, especially all new members, so that they can…

Porto |

The  25th International Conference on Developments in Language Theory (DLT 2021)
