Future and Ongoing Conferences
10.00 Alexander Guterman (Bar-Ilan University, Israel)
On the length of Jordan…
The main speakers of this session will be:
Past Conferences
This is the fourth of an itinerant series of meetings in geometry (in a broad sense), aiming at…
Representation theory has a rich and colourful history.
The main speakers are
Mercedes Rosas (Universidad de Sevilla):
ICMASC'24 - International Conference…
Workshop in Dynamics and Symmetry in honour of Isabel Labouriau.
Zoom link:…
Day: 13th of November, 14h30
Speaker: Alexander Lohse (Hamburg University)
The main speakers of this session are:
Sándor Bozóki (Institute for Computer Science and…
This is an informal meeting between three visiting researchers of the Technical University of…
Organisers: Francois Berteloot (Univ. Toulouse), Julio Rebelo (Univ. Toulouse), Helena Reis (…
The Non Associative Day in…
Despite some groundbreaking advances on the exponential mixing rate of the SRB measure for…
To participate send an email to Rui Duarte rduarte@ua.pt.…
This conference is dedicated to honor Alberto Elduque on the occasion of his 60th birthday.
Irá decorrer no dia 21 de Janeiro de 2022, com início às 14h30m, na Sala Pedro Nunes do…
This is the 11th edition of the Combinatorics Days, to be held online, Zoom platform, on the…
This meeting aims to gather all of the CMUP members, including new members, who will informally…
This meeting aims to gather all CMUP's members, especially all new members, so that they can…