Nos últimos anos, houve um grande interesse em detectar propriedades do grupo fundamental $\pi_1…
Future and Ongoing Seminars
I will discuss the outcome of periodic perturbations of attracting cyclic dynamics.
In this talk, extensions of solvable Lie algebras are considered. The method of central…
Past Seminars
In this talk, we will focus on formations and Fitting classes of groups.
Let $\mathcal{C}\subseteq\mathbb{N}^p$ (for a non-zero natural number $p$) be a non-negative…
This a scientific meeting gathering researchers, PhD students, master students and undergraduate…
It is well-known that the monogenic free inverse semigroup $FI_1$ is not finitely…
Twisted conjugacy is a generalisation of the well-known notion of conjugacy in groups: given two…
In the 1960's. W. Leavitt studied universal algebras which do not satisfy the \emph{Invariant…
In the representation theory of finite-dimensional simple Lie algebras $\mathfrak{g}$, two…
I will give an intro to topological semigroups and the important…
In the context of the theory of Gelfand-Tsetlin modules, Drinfeld categories were introduced in…
Geometric quantization on symplectic manifolds plays an important role in representation theory…
The rational numbers…
In this talk I will talk about some new results for the escape and
hitting statistics for…
The Submonoid Membership problem in a group G asks, given a finitely generated submonoid M of G…
The game of Rock-Paper-Scissors is an instructive example of cyclic competition between…
In this seminar we will talk about results concerning faithful representations of abelian groups…
In this talk I will explain a general mechanism, based on derived symplectic geometry, to glue…
Let $G$ be a group and consider the group $\chi(G)$ obtained from the free product $G \ast G$ by…
In physics, CS/WZNW duality is an equivalence between Chern–Simons gauge theory and WZNW…
Abstract: In this panoramic talk, we shall provide an…