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Past Research Projects

The study of extreme events is of crucial importance in a multitude of scenarios where…

Duration: 18 months
Start date:
Financial Support: 49991,09
Internal Coordinator: Ana Cristina Freitas

A indústria mineira é um pilar fundamental da sociedade moderna, fornecendo minerais para a…

Duration: 18 + 6 meses
Start date:
Financial Support: 49.879,40 EUR
Internal Coordinator:

The focus of this project is to understand the geometry of mirror symmetry in…

Duration: 24 months
Start date:
Financial Support: 49129,70
Internal Coordinator:

The focus of this project is to understand the geometry of mirror symmetry in the…

Duration: 18+6 months
Start date:
Financial Support: 49.129€
Internal Coordinator: André Oliveira

The main goal of the study of dynamical systems is to analyze the long-term behaviour of…

Duration: 36 months
Start date:
Financial Support: €244.601,25
Internal Coordinator: José Ferreira Alves, Jorge Freitas

Duration: 3 years
Start date:
Financial Support: 30000 euros
Internal Coordinator: Helena Reis

The integrated R&D project SNAP is centered on research excellence in the fields of…

Duration: 24 months
Start date:
Financial Support: €598 252,76
Internal Coordinator: Sílvio Gama

 UC InovPed is competition of ideas to support the creation and functioning of InovPed courses…

Duration: 1year
Start date:
Financial Support: 1000
Internal Coordinator: Rosa Antónia Ferreira

In general terms, the main goal…

Duration: 36 months
Start date:
Financial Support: 213 783 EURO
Internal Coordinator: Jorge Freitas, Ana Cristina Freitas