10.00 Alexander Guterman (Bar-Ilan University, Israel)
On the length of Jordan algebras
11.00 Abror Khudoyberdiyev (Institute of Mathematics, Uzbekistan)
Transposed Poisson structures on infinite-dimensional algebras
12.00 Stéphane Launois (University of Caen Normandy, France)
15.00 Antonio Peralta (University of Granada, Spain)
Can we understand M-ideals in (real) JB*-triples without complex analysis?
16.00 Esther García González (King Juan Carlos University, Spain)
Leibniz algebras and Jordan pair disystems I
16.30 Miguel Ángel Gómez Lozano (University of Málaga, Spain)
Leibniz algebras and Jordan pair disystems II
17.00 Alicia Tocino Sanchez (University of Málaga, Spain)
Connecting ideals in evolution algebras with hereditary subsets of its associated graph
18.00 Patrícia Damas Beites (University of Beira Interior, Portugal)
On a ternary Maltsev algebra
18.30 Alfilgen Sebandal (University of Porto, Portugal)
Two Perspectives on the Growth of Leavitt Path Algebras
19.00 Albert Nirina (University of Porto, Portugal)
On the strong Poisson Dixmier–Moeglin equivalence